Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tuesday 29th April

The poor lady! Last night she couldn't sleep ... she was all sneezy and coughs so I did what any kitty would do .... snuggled in nice and close and shared my purs with her. Do you think it worked? No she tossed and turned and kept me awake all night. So by about 4am I chased her out of my bed .... a kitty has to get her beauty sleep after all.
Then all day I did my best not to bite her or try and climb her legs. But by mid afternoon it got too much for me.... I had to fly around the house and attack any part of her that I felt like. Then she started laughing ... then coughing ... then wheezing.
Can a kitty catch human germs?????


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Usually no, we don't catch beans germs. Take it easy on her tho cuz if she gets really bad sicky den da quality of our care suffers!

Mr. Hendrix said...

we don't catch their germs, but it is important they don't mess up our sleeping. you did your best to nurse her by snuggling and purring by her.
i hope she feels better soon so you can climb and bite guilt free!