Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Saturday 19th April

Well now I know what a weekend is ... it means she is home. She doesn't go to work. One good thing came out of it though ... she went out and came back with plastic bags. Which means .... yep ..... TOYS!!!! She got this amazingly cool glove thing with toys on the end of the fingers. I just love it. I got so excited I ran around all over the place. She says I get hypo and bounce off the walls .... hypo!!!! Im just a happy kitty ... I get the bestest toys. I guess she isn't that bad if she brings me nice presents.
I am the kitty .... I need to be adored.
Today I discovered the joy of sitting like a zombie and watching the screen. I actually ended up and sitting on her while we watched a movie. It was kinda nice cos it was raining and stuff. I thought if you buy me presents and continue to adore me, I'll let you watch tv and grace you with my warm little body.

1 comment:

Nomi said...

you deserve to be spoilt and haff lots and lots of toys cos you are still a baby.